The joy of motherhood: history's greatest moment.

Motherhood is the state of being a mother, As a mother , there are a lot of sacrifices to make for the sake of your child, bringing out the child from your own body isn't what really makes you a mother, but taking care of a child under your supervision can automatically make you a mummy/daddy❤️

Motherhood is devine, just the thought of you having to think of someone instead of thinking of your self is heavenly, thinking of what your child will eat and drink before even thinking of YOU is an experience everyone should have.

“The joy of motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and frustrating times. But amid the challenges, there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction.”

—M. Russell Ballard.

Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling. It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in, it is what God gave you time for.”

—Rachel JanKovic.

Bonding with My Little One

Julia Dennison and Ezzie

"It's easy to think of diaper changing as a chore, but I like to give it a positive spin and think of it as a chance to bond with your little one. I love singing silly songs and tickling my daughter's tummy when I'm changing her diaper. You don't get too many opportunities to share eye contact and get in close during the day, especially with a whirling toddler, so if you can distract them, and make it a happy time, then diaper changing is your chance. Add to that a trusted brand like Huggies—I like their Little Movers Diapers—and you can be sure your little one is comfortable, supported, and dry, and you both will be much happier for it."

—Julia Dennison, New York


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