Before we begin, we should know that body fat is very important in the daily function of our body, although the society as turned body fat into something bad and unwanted, that is why in this article, i am gonna tell everyone the best healthy ways to reduce body fat.
secondly, body fat might be useful in some part of the body., but that doesn't mean we should accumulate fat in our body cause it can also have dangerous implication and side effects.
- high blood pressure
- stroke
- sleep apnea
- kidney disease
- liver disease etc
- constipation
- mood swing
- hair loss
- muscle cramps
- poor concentration
- low blood pressure.
- Intermittent fasting
- Avoid excess sugar
- Eat more protein
- Taking probiotics
- Reduce carbohydrates
- Increase your sleeping hours
- Eat healthy junks. Winks.
intermittent fasting is a diet pattern of switching of cycling between eating and fasting., research as shown that intermittent fasting can help enhance both weight loss and fat loss and infact help control overfat and under fat.
practicing intermittent fast for at least a period of 3 weeks can help reduce body weight up to 7% and decreases body fat by 12 pounds (5.5kg)
Sugar is half glucose and half fructose , when you consume a lot of sugar, the liver tends to overload with fructose and in such case, the sugar starts to gradually convert to fat.
So to cut the long story short, excess sugar is not just bad for your health but also increases body fat and weight.
Proteins are kind of the most important macronutrients for loosing weight and burning fat, if you are familiar with the KETO diet, you will also know that 80% percent of their food is proteins, using protein to kill fat*interesting right*
According to research, protein can reduce cravings by 60-70%, boost metabolism by 70-100 calories per day. and not just that, it also helps you eat less calories. isn't that amazing.
Probiotics are types of bacteria found in the digestive tract that have been shown to help improve different health aspects.
the bacteria in the gut as been studied and results shows that they have a role to play in our everyday life from immunity down to our mental health.
So increasing your probiotic intake through food or organic supplement can also help burn fat and also keep your body weight under control.
Reduces the intake of carbohydrates is a very effective way to burn excessive fat. due to the fact that taking low amount of carbs leads to the quick reduction of water weight which gives fast results between 1-3 days.
research has shown that low carb diet sometimes lead to 3 times more weight loss than low fat diet.
Not going to bed early is the best way to gain more weight and accumulate more fat, although it might almost be impossible to sleep early these days with the late night favorite tv show and late night Facebook chat and all that.
but if you want to loose weight and burn fat, you might want to put all those things on hold and try getting more sleep.
because more sleep equals weight loss and studies as it that getting quality sleep for at least 7 hours can help reduce excess fat and excess weight, among all, REFRESHED MIND.
Who said all junks can make you fat and add excess weight cause i am going to disagree on that, cause not all junks can make you fat,
example of such healthy junk is brown chocolate.
brown chocolate is a powerful antioxidant, with nutrient that brings positive health effects.
it is made from the seed of cacao tree, studies as shown that brown chocolate can lower the risk of heart disease and help reduce and maintain weight.
but it also contains stimulant like caffeine and theobromine which means it should also be taken in moderation.
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