3 easy exercises to loose belly fat in 5 days
Hello xsergetians welcome to the best blog where you can learn how to keep your body and mind in shape.
Here in xsergetic get to learn how to keep fit, we also talk about relationships and career talks, travel and so many things but most importantly... FITNESS, so let's begin the first article with 3 easy steps for you to loose belly fat in just 5 days and also the food to eat.
Loose belly fat in 5 days with this 4 easy steps
1 weighted leg raise.
This step is very easy, just get a bench and place it on a clean floor then remember to get a clean towel and a bottle of water just in case.
Step 1: lie down with your back flat on the bench, hold some weight on your chest and stretch your legs to the end of the bench
Step 2: place your hands either under the bench or under the weight on your chest.
Step 3: As you keep your legs extended straight as possible with your knees slightly bent but locked, raise your legs until it makes a 90 degree angle with the floor.
Exhale as you perform this movement and hold the contraction for at least 3 seconds, as you inhale, slowly lower your legs back down to the starting position.....then repeat this move for as long as you can
2 Elbow plank
Place an exercise mat on the floor then start:
Step 1: lie down chest flat on your mat, gently lift yourself up by placing your forearm on the ground.
Note: move will put all the weight on your forearm and on your toes.
Step 2: ensure that your arms are bent and directly below the shoulders.
Step 3: keep your body straight and hold this position for as long as you can.
3 sit-ups
Step 1: start by lying down on the mat back flat, bend your knees and plant your feets firmly on the ground, place your hands behind your head.
Step 2: start by raising your torso upwards towards your knees, then simultaneously twist torso so that the opposite elbow touches the opposite knee.
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